I was too tired to live my life, but now I love every day

I was in my twenties but too tired to live my life. I was put on a loading dose of vitamin B12 injections that made my face itch and my arms and legs ache. But hey, they at least made me feel like death warmed up!
I was having a vitamin B12 injection every three months, but my symptoms were actually getting worse. I was beginning to lose sensation in the bottom half of my legs and arms when driving, had pins and needles in my extremities, constant ringing in my ears, insomnia and vertigo.
I had by now reduced my work hours and was teaching part-time. I was also coming to the realisation that my so-called dream job was not a dream – it was now reality and the reality was so different to the dream. My life felt stagnant and I was bored. Now I was beginning to feel more alive I was looking for new dreams. I felt in my bones that there had to be more to life.

Learn With Salena
Salena has over twenty years of teaching experience and offers many of her courses both in person in her woodland classroom in West Wales and online. Explore the vast range of courses on offer exploring different key health, nutrition and herbal medicine topics.
Whether you choose to learn from the comfort of your own home or in Salena’s woodlands you will be inspired and empowered to take your health into your own hands!
Insights & Inspiration

Some of my favourite blogs and videos to fill your basket with healthy ideas.

Ethical Foraging
Foraging isn’t just about gathering wild foods and medicines; it’s about cultivating a deep connection with the natural world. As […]

Why Do I Live Off Grid?
I am in deep gratitude to an Internet troll on Instagram, who told me that, because I use the Internet, […]

Elderberry Kombucha
As I live off grid, making jam is the perfect way to preserve fruit. However, I find my body does […]

Seed Saving
As you know, I love getting my hands in the earth and growing food. I love connecting with the circle […]

How to Connect?
Our health is a reflection of how we connect to ourselves, as well as how we connect to others and […]

Yacon The Earth Apple
Yacon is one of my most favourite plants to grow, as it’s one that just keeps giving. Yacon is also […]