Reach Your Goals – Make Your Dream the Reality
I can remember when I was much younger my parents telling me that time seems to speed up as you get older. I am now feeling that they were right! I turn forty this year and I’m thinking how did that happen? 2020 already seems to be whizzing by, so I feel it’s a great opportunity to look at any goals we may have written or thought about in our heads. The majority of us set ourselves goals at the beginning of each year, but we don’t often follow them through. The goals never get further than a thought. So this is a little reminder from me to get you on track for your vision for 2020.
The one thing with goals and dreams is it can be very dreamy just to stay in thought and think about how great the goal would feel. But it will never become a reality until we step into action. Now, you may be thinking ‘I have no idea what the first step is to get there!’ The chances are you are thinking way too far ahead, and I want you to focus on simple easy steps that will get you on the ladder to your goal.
So I am inviting you to make a small step towards your goal each day, and each day take another action to get further towards your goals. For every thought, action and step you take each day, ask yourself: ‘is this helping me to move towards my goal or away from my goal?’
Let me share with you one of my own goals for this year, as it involves you. I want to serve you more and give you regular motivation to stay on track, so you can truly live a delicious life. I have decided one of the ways I can do this is through Facebook Live, as this will allow me to connect with you and it would truly feel as if we were having a cuppa together and lifting our spirits. I have never done a Facebook Live before. I didn’t even know how to do it. My first step was to watch other Facebook lives to see what they look like. Then I researched how to do it and dived in.
Some of you may have already joined me for one of my Monday Motivation sessions. If not, head on over to my Facebook page, give me a like and you’ll be updated when the next one is due to be broadcast.
Anyway, enough about me and my goals. This is about you. So, I would like to ask you what single step you could make today to help you work towards your goal?
This may be talking to someone who is already doing it, or following someone online who is doing what you want to do. Maybe signing up to an online course to teach you the skills you need, or making healthy choices every time you eat, to make sure you have the health and energy to reach your goal. Whatever step you can take, I want you to do it. The hardest thing is taking the first step on the ladder. Once you’ve taken that first step, it gets easier, as you can say: “I managed the first step so I can do this one!”
Life is like a game of snakes and ladders. It is your choice each day whether you choose to climb another step of the ladder, or slide down the slippery snake. I invite you to comment below on the step you are going to take, as committing out loud and seeing it in black and white will help you to get on the first step of the ladder.